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Centurions Worldwide
Centurion race walking around the world
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About Us

all about Centurions
who we are
Centurion race walkers exist in many countries where they have completed a 100 mile race walk in 24 hours

Centurion qualifying races now take place in Africa, Australia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, USA and the UK

A Centurion 100 mile race can only be described as the ultimate test of physical and mental endurance and whether you succeed or not in your race, you will meet an amazing bunch of walkers who will  always make you welcome

No matter which country or continent you compete in, the camaradie amongst the walkers is something which will last a lifetime.
Completing a Centurion event can also be described as an epic experience !  

the definition of a Centurion

The Centurion "status" for race walkers orginated in the UK in 1911 with the "official" (British) definition ....

“A Centurion is one, as an amateur, has walked 100 miles within 24 hours in the United Kingdom
in a judged competition held under race-walking rules in an event approved by the Centurions.”

British Centurions are rightly proud of their heritage and hope that their standards can be be applied by other Centurion organisations.

Whilst the definition hasn't changed, there is now an agreed criteria which the Centurions expect of any organisers of a 100 mile/24 hour race and which should be approved by each and everyone one of the Centurion organisations.
The rules governing race walking are set by World Athletics and national athletic bodies.

see also the Fellowship of Centurions page - a newly formed "committee" to ensue that future race organisers adhere to a set of standards if they wish to make their race a Centurion qualifying race.
Centurion Worldwide qualifying races

Which ever country a Centurion race is held in, our Centurion aims are the same:
to foster and encourage 100 mile racewalking events.  And of course, maintain close contact with each other.

Our philosophy is that all our walkers should aspire to realise their mental and physical potential through long distance walking.  
more on centurions worldwide

race the world
....with Centurions and race walkers around the world

a look at each of the Centurion organisations with links to their websites and their races.  
Each organisation has a wealth of information on their races - race venues, race results and reports and so much much more..
read more about Centurions Worldwide

history of the Centurions
take a look at where it all started back in 1911...
ultra racing walking in the UK pre dates the many marathons of the late 20th century and these British race attracted massive crowds at the start and finish of many races.

centurion race walkers
a look at Centurion race walkers and their achievements over the years whether competing in the Olympic or Commonwealth Games, Masters Championship races or creating records at the various distances which Centurion walkers compete in - many race walkers and Centurions have achieved their dreams to be the top of their game.

tributes to Centurions
many Centurions have contributed to ultra race walking around the world we pay tribute to past Centurions on their achievements
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