Chateau Thierry - New Project

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Chateau Thierry

Race walking > Ultra race walks
French ultra races
The Chateau Thierry 24 hour race  walk is another race on the French calendar and a qualifier for the annual Paris Alsace race.
The race is held in March every year and is organised by Les Amis de la marche de Château-Thierry Athlétic Club de Château-Thierry

The 24 hour race frequently incorprates the French 100km championship as well as a French 24 hour championship.

As with other Paris Alsace qualifiers, there is chip timing with a results screen for competitiors to check their progress throughout the race.

The race is held in accordance with the rules of the French Federation of Athletics (FFA).

The race also incorporates
24 hour team relay
2 x 6 hour race (Saturday + Sunday)
1x 6 hour race on the Sunday  

Over the years,  many Centurions have participated in these races.

The course (seee map below) is an undulating 2378 metres with very few flat sections. Nevertheless, it is a pleasant course - mostly traffic free.
The start is in the main square with a couple of circuits and then it heads up a narrow road through the town and then onto the main circuit.  As usual in the French races, the last hour is a shorter circuit.
The hub of the race is in the sports centre,  so the official feeding  station is at least indoors!  Tables and chairs are also provided under marquees in the main support area (car park) for personal support.

Chateau Thierry is a very pleasant small town with a few very good restaurants, supermarkets and B&Bs - some hotels, though, are a few miles out of town.
It is a fairly short walk from the railway station - served from Paris L'Est.

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