Privacy and Data Protection - New Project

Centurions Worldwide
Centurion race walking around the world
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Privacy and Data Protection


Centurions Worldwide Community
Data Protection Policy

All data is protected in accordance with the UK and EU legal regulations, namely the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)  in force 25th May 2018.
Note that this may not be in force in every country.

The Centurions Worldwide Community does not hold any personal information other than race results with or without some personal details and photos (see below).  
Please write or e-mail as soon as possible and we will amend any information found to be incorrect.

We believe in and uphold the right to the privacy of all users of our website and services.
We respect all Centurions' confidentiality and will not disclose any information we hold to third parties without your express permission.

Summary information is collected automatically by our system e.g. number of visitors to the site, pages viewed, etc. This information is used to monitor the use of the our website and does not contain information that can identify you as an individual.
We undertake not to pass on any of your details collected from this website to any third party and will only use the information you supply to us for the purpose for which it was given to us.

Cookies are used to provide certain features or functionality within a website.
A cookie is a short text snippet that is sent to your browser by any website you visit. It stores information about your last visit, such as your preferred language or other settings. This will help you find your way around the site faster and use it more effectively the next time you visit it.
Cookies play an important role and without them, browsing the web would often be frustrating.
Any information we get from 'cookies' is for the administration of this website and we will only use 'cookies' when it is necessary for the efficient operation of this website.
Any e-mails or addresses communicated to us are used only for the purpose intended by the sender.

Analytics Cookies are used to monitor how people use this website and how they reached this site. These cookies do not track any personal information and are used to analyse and improve the performance of the website. The service used on this website is provided by the website host company TSO Host and this information can only be accessed by the website administrator/manager.
Whenever you request a page through your browser, data such as:
your IP address
• browser and version
• operating system
• time and date
• the site from which you came
note that this information is stored in a log file and/or database on the host company and only accessible by the web manager.
This information cannot be used to identify specific individuals, and is only used for:
Website and system administration
• Research and development
• Anonymous user analysis
Information supplied via this website will not be disclosed to any unauthorised third party.

Why and how we use any personal data
Personal information
Any personal details supplied when you become a Centurion
This personal data may (but not necessarily) includes your:
  • personal details including name, gender, Athletic Club, date of birth;
  • images, photos and videos;

If you are an existing Centurion, we may use any contact details you provide to send you newsletters or similar products. We may use the information that you provide to us:
  • for general research and analysis purposes: about how our visitors use our website and social media sites to understand customer behaviour or preferences.  For example, we may use information about how visitors to Centurions search for and find information to better understand the best ways to organise and present our information.

Race results and other personal details appearing on this website (Centurions or the Commuity of Centurions World Wide Facebook page
  • The Centurions Worldwide publish race reports on its website which can be accessed by individuals who are not Centurions.
  • This may also involve occasionally publishing photographs of Centurions whilst participating in races and events. (see Photos below)
  • We understand that this involves us using your personal information and we are committed to respecting your rights to data privacy – in particular, the General Data Protection Regulations requires us to be able to rely on a “lawful basis” when using your personal information. In this regard, we consider that we are able to rely on the lawful basis of our “legitimate interests”, namely publicising information about any Centurions and their activities to encourage interested individuals to take part in race walking events.

Almost all athletes/walkers/supporters at races have a camera/smartphone and many are very keen to take photos of the venue, other race walkers, individually and in group shots etc.  
Quite often there maybe "official" photographers as well as local press in attendance taking photos during an event.
However, your photo is personal data and we have to have rules on how these are taken and stored.
1. Should your photo appear on the website, newsletter or on social media (eg Facebook) and you have not given express permission, please contact the web master and we will take all reasonable efforts to remove the photo from the website.
2. However, please note:  Race entry application forms should, normally, deal with this and so inform all participating athletes that by signing the terms and conditions of the race entry, this may involve photos being taken and published.

So, basically, if you are sure that you don’t want your mugshot appearing on the website  - then just turn your face away well away from the camera!

We are committed to protecting your personal information and we want to give you as much control as possible as to how we use your personal information. Therefore, if you would prefer for us not to publish photographs of you on the Centurions Worldwide website, please let us know by emailing the Web Manager and we will ensure that any photographs of you which are not published on the website.

We may also hold details of name, date of birth, gender, club, etc, for the purpose of displaying race results for races which Centurions take part in.
If you do not wish your information to be displayed, please contact the Web Manager.
Note: when entering a race you may have already consented to your information appearing in their results or being passed to a third party.

YOUR RIGHTS relating to your personal data
You have the right to request:
(i) access to your personal data;
(ii) an electronic copy of your personal data (portability);
(iii) correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or inaccurate; or
(iv) deletion or restriction of your personal data in certain circumstances provided by applicable law.

Where we have obtained your consent for the processing of your personal data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
If you like would to request a copy of your personal data or exercise any of your other rights, please contact the web master.

Third party [external] sites
This web site contains links to other web sites. Please note that the Centurions World Wide Communitycannot be held responsible for the privacy practices of other web sites. We encourage all visitors to be aware and read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects personally identifiable information.
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