CVN - New Project

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Centurion Vereniging Nederland - Dutch Centurion Association (CVN)
The Dutch and Belgian members of the Centurions 1911 are an enthusiastic and highly supportive group.
Their number increased rapidly following the qualification of the first Dutch walker, Lieuwe Schol C291 in the UK race - 1959 London to Brighton and back.

The CVN looks after the interests of walkers who have qualified as British Centurions in the Netherlands, Belgium and surrounding countries.

And they are still a very active group of Dutch and Belgian members of the British Centurions. Although the Association doesn't hold races in the Netherlands or Belgium it still comes under the umbrella of our Communiity of Worldwide Centurions.

Lieuwe Schol  became the first Dutch national British Centurion, Centurion 291, and since then  more and more Dutch walkers travelled to the UK to obtain the Centurion title.
Besides British athletes, the largest group/nationality of Centurions are the Dutch.

In order to stay in contact with each other and to represent the Dutch and Belgian contingent of British Centurions at UK races, the Centurion Association of the Netherlands (Centurion Vereniging Nederland, C.V.N.) was founded on the 12th February 1966.

The board of the CVN  consists of Chairman Gerrit de Jong, C456, Secretary Frans Leijtens, C949. and Treasurer Herwin Westraate, C1120.
The CVN also has an Honorary Chairman, and an Honorary board member, Hans Leendertse, Centurion 427.
The Webmaster is Frans Leijtens, Centurion 949.

The CVN communicates news about past and future races amongst its members, organises trips to the British races and has it's own CVN Centurion reunion each year.

Their many outstanding performances include overall winners and and winning teams in many events;
Jaap Visser C944 has won the UK Centurions Eddie McNeir trophy (first man over 65) seven times.  
Gerrit de Jong completed 19 UK 100s – and supports the UK Centurion events in many ways, including the compilation of race results and statistics on Centurion performances worldwide.

CVN reunions

The CVN annual reunions have been very popular with the Dutch, Belgian and British Centurions over the years and has been a great  opportunity to meet up with fellow race walkers in a social setting.
The meetings are held at various towns across the Netherlands and there is always a visit to a local point of

The CVN also celebrated its 50th anniversary on 19 March 2016 in Amsterdam, The venue was Amsterdam railway station where the very first CVN meeting took place. This was a very special reunion to mark not only 50th years of the CVN but to honour the outgoing Secretary, Piet Janssen.

Dutch Centurions have also attended many of the British Reunion Dinners (especially the 100th Anniversary dinner held at the House of Commons) over the years as well as supporting our 100 mile/24 hour races.

More information on the CVN website.

Reunion photos
Venues are chosen in various locations across Holland: 2017 Heusden, 2016 Amsterdam, 2012 Leerdam, 2011 Geel, 2009 Muiden...
The 2019 CVN Reunion was held on 23rd November at the Textielmuseum, Tilburg.

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