German 100 miles - New Project

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German 100 miles

Race the World
German 100 miles

1st-2nd October 2022

(based on various reports from the participants)

This race was advertised by a British and Australian Centurion - Charles Arosanyin as a new German qualifying race to become a German Centurion (DE).
He posted a notice early 2022 to advertise this race which he was organising. The other contact names on the poster, when contacted, knew nothing about the race.

Despite the lack of communication from the organiser, the walkers who had entered, organised their travel and accommodation. The race entry fee was to be paid on the day.

Where was the start?  Where do we collect our numbers?  What is the distance of the lap?  Sadly, there were not many answers to these questions.

Whether the organiser had permission from the Bochum town hall to hold the race was another question as council officials turned up on the morning of the race to question the organiser.  Whatever was said, the start did go ahead although delayed by 30 minutes or so.

Questions were asked by the walkers about the length of each lap as the course route and laps apparenty changed several times over the months leading up to the race. Several participants had posted course maps on Facebook which they has received. At first the organiser said it was "100 miles plus..."  Some walkers worked it out via GPS watches ..... but still over 100 miles...
The organiser had engaged a chip timing company to  record lap times and it appears they worked out the length of the course but the "how" is unknown and it is unclear whether the distance was verified.

Participants report that there were no obvious race walking judges or marshalls around the course.

Two participants had cycled around the course and filmed the route a couple of days before the race.  The course appeared to be totally on pavement - which showed pot holes and poor lighting in places. This observation was  born out by comments by several walkers after the race.

The organiser, when questioned by a walker about the presence of officials, said after the race, that by virtue of him being a certified Assistant Coach, he was qualified to judge the race,  and that someone had measured the course on his bike and that there was an official (IAAF) starter. This apparenly has not been independently verified.

Hopefully, this will the last time this particular organiser will put on a Centurion qualifying race.

There are now many Centurions who question whether this particular race should be recognised as a Centurion qualifier and openly say that this organiser has brought Centurions "fellowship" into disrepute.

Notwithstanding the validity of the race, the multiple Centurion list has been updated by Rob Robertson, as well a list of German Centurions issued by Rudy Schoors.

Given the anxiety felt by many of the participants prior to the race start, they and their support teams must be congratulated on walking up to 24 hours in such difficult circumstances.

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